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Sunday 3 October 2010

Hot or Cold.

Hot or Cold

Im hot
and your hot
im so hot
lets get hotter

Im cool
and your cool
your so cool
lets get cooler

Rural Dictionary corner...

Hot - having a relatively high temperature
causing or having a sensation of bodily heat
expressing or feeling intense emotion, such as embarrassment anger or lust
goods or money stolen, smuggled or illegally obtained
jazz slang, arousing great excitement or enthusiasm by inspired improvisation strong rhythms

Cool -
Moderately cold: a cool day
comfortably free of heat: a cool room
producing a pleasant feeling of coldness: a cool shirt
able to conceal emotion, calm, a cool head
jazz characteristic of the late 1940's and early 1950's economical and rhythmically relaxed, unruffled elegance or sophistication, calmness composure.

Urban Dictionary corner


1. One who is: a. gorgeous b. pretty c. beautiful d. cute e. attractive 2. One who you would: a. lick b. suck c. nibble d. flirt with e. have sexual relations with 3. One who makes you: a. flip b. crazy c. nutty d. pass out e. drool f. fantasize g. (if girl) wet h. (if guy) hard i. masturbate


The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in."

My thoughts on Cool...
reading that urban dictionary definition of cool's made me think that i want to add something except i dont want to spend any time writing about my feelings on the word cool, the best way i think i can sum it up quickly is that the greatest time i think that ive heard the word being used is in the film "true romance".

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