Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Friday 8 October 2010

I Promise.

I promise

I just had a gravity flip too,
im letting you know im here for you
if you want to sleep
close your eyes
and i sing you lullabies
if you want to wake up
come back to life
i stitch fables
by your side

This road ends in happiness not pain
we will both grow old
and remain
forever friends

I promise
after we have both lived
a rich good life
any age

That you will be the first to die,
Ill celebrate and sing so high
that to some unimaginable other paradise
you will soar
and for what may be and seem years to me
but only a second for you
well be taking apart
then put back together again
in paradise
well forever stay
my one love
my one heart
well put our story into bottles
beautiful message capsules
send them out
to every single different world
how once upon the time on earth
was created
the greatest love story ever told
Beautifully strange enchanted boy meets Gorgeous butterfly girl.

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