Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Thursday 7 October 2010

Hey now punky party this here is something new.

Hey now punky party this here is something new

If you want to listen

We can always stop the wars heat off play guitars on the street making music with our teeth a riot is forming no laws written on paper can stop a million marching feet, its so good lets bring it back, you can sing out loud as your walking down the street, beautifull people boys and girls this world is good enough to eat, i live by the river –
the ice age is coming, yes hooray, frozen ice which then melts away, i love it when the sun shines making us melt, ice age coming lets celebrate, heres a smile ; )
fuck it lets have it i predict it one day it will be down with the man, every women and man that forgot they once were a kid, i dont understand why you fight, when most of your religions tell you to turn the other cheek, i dont understand why you fight, how can you live spreading lies in every word you speak, i dont understand why your fight, i know this song aint quite right - a man with a gun is a fool, i wouldnt listen to anything they say, a thousand people we need more, a million i see even more, ever bodies right, you can see it shine shine shine, ying yang signs, paranoia taken away, you dont have to be afraid, the man is going to leave today, how do people turn from love filled children into adults full of pain, if we want it enough the walls will crumble im ready to lead an flowerfull army, sgt pepers band behind me, all we need to do is shine, who needs guns, when tall oak trees, send down to the earth, conker seeds. Why would you listen to men and women that need guns to tell you what to do, the fact their holding a gun takes away all their power and gives it to you, we were all once babies, im so sane it makes me feel angry, how dare people turn away from the world to hide, trapped inside minds that hate, that want to take, guns and bombs a big mistake, locking bikes up with chains, im never going to use a lock again, vote for me and ill be prime minister, in charge of the banana sunshine everbody this is a beautifull island we don’t need to heal the world it always shine bright party!

Ps I live by the river
Babble on
Like a uprising righteous stream
You can do anything
If you just believe. Peace. Its a wonderfull word. So is hippopotamuss. Dr ragtag urchin boy incredibly Proffesor Snoffaloffaguss

Pps РI am giving up my postion as roaving amabassador cultural attach̩ of the monster raving Looney party, all screaming lords and ladies, i salute you, may you be turned into knights with silver spoons, three chears for Sutch, he should have won, tip top treacle hooray pip pop lip gloss hooray plip plop rain drops hooray!

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