Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Friday 29 October 2010

Out the Doors.

Out the doors

By a drain I sit, a man hole cover two squares away from my left shoe, its round, rusty brown with darker shiny metal, circular rectangular rises, patterned mounds, the words written there read inspection chamber.

A bee buzzes past,

The granite stone bench sparkles like stars in the sun, my shirt is green, i proudly wear a shamrock over my heart. Away a spit, is a leaf, and cobbles spirals, patterns not like a staircase, more like a river or rainbow fountain, water and air. Yonder in between two rows of fourteen, seven on either side, trees of peace.

Oh yes they will grow.

Out the first comes talking on the phone, two kids happy in the sun. The doors are open, silver trees are the handle. A four wheeled chariot awaits for its rider. I can only guess at who this marvel will be. Out the open door, a meditative voice is sent to the wind, a priesty voice, deep soothing, thank you fathers that speak the right words. Bright shepherds only thinking of caring for sheep so that the flock need not worry about the wolfs.

Up above this place the sky, below it earth and rock.
Its quiet out here apart from the occasional bee or fly and gentle rumble of a car, a group of four walking chatting, and the priests muffled chanting are the only sounds to hear. Birds are singing, a car horn beeps. Now a new birds song louder and another, cheep cheep cheep and craw craw craw. The buzz of a bee, two cheeps, then a trickle from a far, a car crashing like a sea wave, more birds sing. I can hear them but I’m not looking, so i don’t see them. I can imagine them, feathered friends, little hearts beating, they can hop and and fly and they sing! In this moment i whistle to them.

The door clunks and waves hello too, I give it a salute, an electronic noise, ive been bitten by my keyboard as i type an electrical shock, electric city is alive. Out comes number two a gorgeous lady in a flower jumper of green, heading to her car hands in pockets. Soon, its quiet apart from the jungle birds and now the sound of a plane quiet at first ever increasing louder at one point as if its going to land right here on top of all of us dropping like a bomb from the sky, then quieter aqain, until no noise, its moved on.

A new car turns up, and parks in the space left by the lady in the green jumper, number three, smiles then not, then looks in her bag and smiles when she touches her keys. Four a man walking confident strong fast followed behind by a woman at least 20 steps behind, they don’t appear to be together well not here, they get into the same car, its the way sometimes, a man walks ahead the woman behind. They went behind a wall out of sight so I couldn’t see if the husband opened the door for his wife. More leave out the silver laced doors, making a quick get away before the main rumble. A gasp, the owner of the chariot is not what I expected he looks like the godfather and he’s away. The first singer emerges, proper. More and more Italians, chatting rich the sun is back it had gone, no rush to leave friends here stay for a while, ciao ciao loud. The cars are heading off the birds still chirp and sing, vroom vroom . More group chats, noise from inside, here we are happy smiling faces, women touching men waiting embrace arms on backs together. A couple the same small size and both with sticks. Now the cars leave in almost a convoy a blue mini at the end. Waves for friends out of windows, a sea of waves and whey two beeps, honk honk, and another toot! A little girl walks on the stones letting them make a crunch crunch sound beneath her feet, she picks one up, touches the rock, then puts both hands on the stones and leaves, ciao Anna, Anna say ciao cioa. A little boys gone shy and gets a kiss on the cheek. Beep. Happy families, this chat is in English not Italian. A girl in a red dress teaches the shy boy how to throw stones. A family of six smile and laugh as the girl runs back to her mum and family who were parked at the other side of the car park. The girl cried for a little bit, until her father said, Angie, and her mother swept her back safely into her arms. There’s a girl of around twenty on the bench to the right of me that looks sad, for some reason on this sunny day. I have half a mind to stop my writing on people leaving out the doors and ask her if she is ok, a car beeps its horn, beep beep, two loud beeps, and the girl of twenty, leaves her bench and gets in. The car door shuts and the car drives off.
One car remains in the car park, all is quiet again, well there are no human voices, the birds chatter and a plane humms, I can hear someone is sweeping leafs, the sunlight feels good on my cheek, thicker and thicker, the sun grows on my face, layer by layer. The doors electric, whistle, the last man exits the church to go to a car than walks back in, the doors close.


A beautiful, lady in a flowers dress, comes to chat to the priest, tall leather boots, the priest does chat, quickly, less than a minute, twenty thirty seconds, then says ciao, the lady heads back to the car, between twelve and fourteen paces, midway she emits a long loud and large sigh. Then gets into her car and drives away, as do I, on my bike.

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