Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Sweet Streams.

Sweet Streams

Sometimes you got to tsee the light between the trees to tunderstand if you can join the clans, like gold diggers tripping in the sand looking for a shiny nugget to wash up from the sea, im just a aim higher shoot to the moon, cold killer, purped eyed trigger, fish, who wants to look up the history to see if i exist. Whats the time mr wolf its time to get ill, its time to float away out of the daust lets hit out on the upper above crust like clouds swimming with a beat hit from the rocks, slipping off my socks, wiggling toes on the bare foot road, where the dust is free, im not a gold digger, im just a aim higher straight flying heart of the sun and in the ways we smoke we joke with death here i come, watch my steps, I’m walking tall black to white, life to death.

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