Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Green Tea.

Green Tea

Im slipping through the cracks
through the cracks, through the cracks,
through the cracks, slipping
through the cracks, through the cracks,
through the cracks, to find the real world,
the one, left outside, of this life,
this life, this life, this life, this
does it even matter if you live or die
if you run or fight
if you survive
the night, the night, the night, the night,
i would like to tell you that the sky is green,
that im a submarine, that the sky is green,
is green, is green, is green
to my mind, my mind, my mind, my mind,
does it even matter if you sink or swim
if you lose or win
if you are short
or long, or long, or long, or long,
when you ask, what colour, the sky
is green, is green, is green
slipping through the cracks of my mind
to find, to find, to find it
short or long
weak or strong
its green, its green, its green,
is green

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