Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Calvin Klein.

Calvin Klein

Mitsubishi turbos for free
Mission on
there was a little rocket flying out the sea
to space
the moon to greet the queen of cheshire cat styles
jumping kissing smiles
dog laughs
wet baths
soap in the mouth for free clean like a back rub
more love than a jar full of pepper
hot pot spice
double take
over the shoulder older than the road
tar mack
flat cap
lock back
grand prix
mossy live of the land
legs in stocks
arms at hand
fruit brigade
tomatoes rain
red sauce
easy bee
number free
counts the duck
on the pond
so long
alice and looking glass
goodbye class
room stairs
to the top
tea oh pea
sea ay tee
mission on
a little rocket
flys out of the beat
doesnt stop
till its reached the scene
flish flack flush
the projector whirrs
king of the beast
catching snatching bits
and bobs
one marley i i
fooling ground
round and round
the zoom
zoom zoom zoom
level five
infa red lights dream
minds cold too
hasnt read
on a bottle
of mirage
nirvana is
for nirvana
in open eternity
all ways
true harmony

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