Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Sunday 6 March 2011

Fortune Cookie.

Fortune Cookie

Ever wonder if you were born in the stars
did you ever think im a star
can you dance on the street
do you move like your ready to meet the man on the moon
how soon
do you want to fly
because some of us are ready
after only the shortest amount of time
to you
can you realise
that i want to leave
and i dance
so i dont have to miss you
even though
i felt the call
of the moon
home time
the bells ringing
outside we queue
singing why
are we waiting
learning about jazz feet
black shoes
are shiny
they move sweet
can you understand what it means
to want to leave
i know
thats my mind
still im trapped
waiting why am i waiting
i trust my feet
do you
talk to your shoes
there was a lamp post
that grew
so high
that it sung a song
to a moth
flying to the moon
said im dancing
im dancing my light
just for you
so soon
not long at all
whats a lifetime
its not long
no time
like the present
time coil
walking backwoods
to the future
no more wasting
no more wasting
yo yo cookie
fortunes sailing
from the moon and back
we fall

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