Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Wednesday 10 February 2010

My letter to Brett.

Nope no Mr Troster

And I’m not a USB toaster either,

Although come to think of it I am quite hungry a USB toaster wouldn’t be such a bad idea right now

Nurse I need a toaster

And some bread, maybe a little butter, hell maybe a lot of butter, and while you’re at it could you plump up my pillows, well thank you sweet heart,

You’re an angel.

Wait a minute those aren’t wings, are they horns, a pitchfork!!!

A tail?

Well nursey I think i might just have got me a new hit record

Uh huh huh...

Click here for the punch line

I actually meant click below for the

Punch Line

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