Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Friday 12 February 2010

Coco Pops.

The dishevelled diary of Marcel the mouse.

In dreams and in thoughts.

I constantly wish I could remember my life more ordinary.

I long to be scavenging food for the family, dodging cats, traps.

Such happy times in front of reflections, grooming my beautiful whiskers, and wondering whether they were the right size.

All gone.

Only one whisker left now, the rest, burnt, the fallout of 53, I hobble, one paw lost too, alongside of a cat


In nightmares I can see the traps jaws,

Four weeks and not a crumb of cheese, to help soothe my pains.

I lay down my head each night, the falling bombs noise fills my ears, I wish, how I wish, that the next time I open my eyes and awake, Squeak, I will find that the bombs have stopped and what’s that I hear,

It’s the sweet sound of rain drops, ill plur ell plor all around.

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