Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Saturday 23 January 2010

No More Crisps.

No more crisps

It was on a Sunday when Henry-Dylan’s Uncle told Henry-Dylan,
That there was not a single crisp left in the world.

Not one crisp left in existence, imagine, not one crisp in the whole entire swirling universe,

That would mean no more crisps in the Milky Way ever!




The wisest animals say,
“Long time no fear”

And Henry-Dylan heard them, for Henry-Dylan was very brave.

So brave that Henry-Dylan decided, his adventure today would be to go and see if he could find a crisp even though he had been told that they’re were.




Luckily for Henry-Dylan there were no baddies in the front room,

This meant the way to the kitchen was safe.

In the kitchen Henry-Dylan checked all the kitchen cupboards,

Was that a bit naughty?

In the first cupboard he found drinking glasses but no crisps,

The second turned out not to be a cupboard

To Henry-Dylan’s amazement it was a fridge


“No crisps in here!” He said.

Henry-Dylan imagined if you did keep crisps in the fridge they’d be very freezey.

The third cupboard was a drawer, not one crisp there, only plates.

The last cupboard he checked was completely empty nothing in there at all.

So Henry-Dylan decided to go all the way to the top of the house up the upstairs stairs.

At the first set of stairs he passed Granddad who was talking on the phone,
“Yes, I had the correspondence here a minute ago, but I keep getting distracted”

“No” Henry-Dylan thought, whatever Granddad’s talking about has nothing to do with crisps.

So Henry-Dylan continued on his way to top of the house by climbing up the upstairs stairs,

This led to the secret tree-top room in the loft.

The first things Henry-Dylan saw when he got there where two wooden boxes.

One had a brick on top,

“There must be some crisps in here”, Henry-Dylan announced

And slowly Henry-Dylan opened up the Box,

But all that was in there was Some dirty washing, eurgh!

“Then the crisps must be in this second box” Henry-Dylan said aloud
He slowly opened up the Box,

But all Henry-Dylan found in the second box was a load of smelly socks, disgusting.

Then Henry-Dylan had a really good idea,

He would go to sleep and dream about crisps.

So off he went to sleep at the end of the loft-rooms bed,


There was a monster, it was a dragon, a real scary dragon, with scales, sharp teeth like a shark, and a large mouth which could breathe fire, it had tiny little eyes, was yellow with green spots, could tap-dance, was very ticklish and it was... furious.

Henry-Dylan speedily jumped out of the bed and hid behind the box of smelly socks, he shut his eyes

And bravely counted to five,






Henry-Dylan opened his eyes,

Phew! It wasn’t a real dragon, it was just a cute baby dragon picture, but Henry-Dylan was still a little scared, so he decided to try and sleep at the other end of the bed,

Uh Oh watch out, oh no, Henry-Dylan.

Look he’s fallen down the side of bed, and now he’s got stuck.

Henry-Dylan squeezed and squeezed until finally with one terrific pop, he became free and managed to climb back on top of the bed.


After rescuing himself, Henry-Dylan sobbed,

“The front end is far too scary, and the back end is far too gappy”

Henry-Dylan then decided out loud,

“I shall have to sleep on the floor”

But the floor was too uncomfortable


Henry-Dylan remembered that down the upstairs stairs, he had his own cosy room with his very own cosy bed.

It must have been Henry-Dylan’s lucky day there were no baddies on the stairs.

In his room, Henry-Dylan was safe.

There were no dragons but still there were no crisps,




“Someone’s been messing about” Shouted Henry-Dylan.

“A long time ago I found some crisps in here”

“There should be crisps!”

Awww at least there was his cosy bed to sleep in.

Cosy, cosy.

Which meant Henry-Dylan could go to bed and dream about crisps,

And maybe eat them in his sleep crunch crunch.

Before going to bed Henry-Dylan decided that his room must be tidied, because he was going to have a visitor.

Whilst tidying Henry-Dylan found an egg, an egg which you could open up and close back shut again, maybe he could put a crisp in it for his visitor, but of course he didn’t have any crisps.

It became windy in Henry-Dylan’s room, so windy that Henry-Dylan needed to find a coat quick,

He sang his coat song,

“I can’t see my coat”
“I am in my boat”
“Looking for my coat”

But Henry-Dylan couldn’t see his coat anywhere, there were some coats hanging up on the back of the door to his room but he was not sure who’s was who’s

He cried out,

“I can’t see mine”,

Maybe his coat was hiding in the wardrobe,

“I can’t jump high enough”

Henry-Dylan found out that the handles on the wardrobe door where too high for him to reach,

“Well I might not be tall enough, but I’m still a small grown up” Henry-Dylan decided.

Suddenly a yellow coat plopped into his room,

“How funny, you’re a size 10” Laughed Henry-Dylan’s Grandmamma from the landing.

“This is not my coat”

“That is not my size” Replied Henry-Dylan,

“My coat is a dinosaur coat”.

Then Henry-Dylan spied a spider catcher dream machine hanging on the wall, maybe this will catch the crisps for me when I dream them, thought Henry-Dylan, what a clever little laddie, and without further ado he clambered into his nice safe bed and went to sleep.

In the morning the sun shone through the window and Henry-Dylan awoke,

He sang

“Pictures! Mictures! Crictures!
Put the dog in there
Mictures! Crictures! Witches!

And I have no idea what any of that means, do you?

Henry-Dylan ran downstairs; there were some baddies in the front room, unlucky for them, because Henry-Dylan defeated them all, with his moves and mighty power,

Then Henry-Dylan scuttled into the kitchen to take a look in the cupboards again,

Was that a little bit naughty?

In the first cupboard he found drinking glasses but no crisps,

The second cupboard was the fridge

“Freezey Weezey”

The third cupboard was a drawer, not one crisp in there, only plates.

That left only one more to check

Henry-Dylan slowly opened up the last cupboard,

Can you guess what he found?

Yes that’s right some crisps.

And Henry-Dylan thought,

“Thanks Grandmamma, Thanks Granddad”

Which means Henry-Dylan’s adventure has come to an end

Crunch Crunch.


  1. this would make a really nice children's story. I like it a great deal, especially the stuff about the baddies. it sounds really genuine and child-like in a fantastic way. it makes me think about how I used to hopscotch across my kitchen because the dark tiles were evil, so I could only step on the light ones and other kid things like that.

  2. Haha ace

    That dark tiles light tiles is a well good childhood memory to have.
