Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Thursday 28 January 2010

Coco Pops.

Coco’s Camp
The Jungle
South Manchuria

Dear Professor,

you were right
The gorillas are amassing against Coco
- Kylie and Ozmelda have dash scratch that, were last seen two days ago,
- Alan was injured in the battle at the chocolate river – he has been taken to the field hospital
- Shorty turned out to be a spy – You can never trust a giraffe

We are in desperate need of aid, please contact the government of your country; they will listen to you, and send us urgently needed bananas.

Yours George
the monkey


  1. Bonzer!

    This should really been in the "My letter to." series as it’s a real letter that I sent in the post to my mate Ben

    But I want “Coco Pops.” To be a series in its own right - so next week there will be another which hopefully you will enjoy and might even make you laugh.
