Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Tuesday 15 February 2011



I like it when a good girl
becomes bad
stealing drugs for my fridge
how i love it when a good girl becomes bad
and i like it when a good boy becomes bad
stealing drugs for his fridge
how i love it when this good boy becomes bad
how light is light
how dark is dark
which is heavier
heavy heavy heavy
its great when clean people
get dirty
and dirty people get clean
do you know what i mean
do you, do you
ill do you
rioting in a nut hole rockets to the head
fucking up the table the pockets
ripped to shreds
a nut hole your bleeding
bleeding all the way
being goods fun for all of five minutes
being bad seems to go long, long long long
is there any such thing as good or bad
in or out of sane
or is everything all at once one and all you know just the same
because you cant put a label on anything
for nothing has a name
if a tree is a spade
and the beach is called a shed
then all the thoughts
that i think
are not thought in my head
a lampost is a alligator
the marmalades the zoo
so a dog lives in a whistle
and a fly in zero one one zero one zero two
there is no game
there is a game
there really is no spoon
there is no
yes there is
whats what is doctor who
knock knock
who the fuck are you
i am reeper shackle
the donkey
no your not your
who does every drug he can consume
of course i am
my dear
just as we all do when we choose
there is no either or
goodbye kirky
its both
or all
there both the same
except bad is fucking well hot
then again good is fucking well hot too
so everythings well sexy
or repulsive
either way
its both
all just the same
there is no
either or
hot or cold
its fucking hot in here
win or
lose or

bang bang
looks like reeper drew first
but what did he draw
a chicken or an egg

reeper drew a tinsle fridge
shaped like it had
once belonged inside a wale
and whenever the door openend
onto crispy topped milk so cold
it shone a light of golden tails
until closed again to reveal
emblazoned on the front
in capitals silver bold
four letters shimmering proud

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