Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Wednesday 21 April 2010

A family of banana tree monkeys.

A family of banana tree monkeys

Once upon a star tide there surfed into the moon a banana seed,
banana monkeys live in the moon trees
thanks to the very first banana seed
that once upon a time surfed into the moon upon a star tide.

Sweet star shine star shine
singing songs

made the first seed grow grow
float float float into a banana tree
with many a floating seed

sweet star shine star shine
keeps on singing

float float float banana trees
if you float like a banana tree
youll be able to see

fuzzy monkeys sitting on the moon
learn how they
like to make silver spoons
out of sweet star shines songs

you can watch the banana tree monkeys
fashion silver spoons out of bananas
with their claws
until the spoons are ready to sit
tightly gripped in little soft paws

soon banana tree upon the moon you will see
every so often one of the banana tree monkeys will open a soft paw to release a silver spoon

let go

surely its not home time


tiny snatches
of a far away song
sweet star shine star shine

float float float
grow grow grow.

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