Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

E R.


There is a place where sleeping lions go 
a place that is the same as swirling white cloth 
inside the globes of snow. That wait... To land, and where do they land?

Are you talking about mountains? 
Lions aren't really in the mountains unless they are mountain lions.

I'm talking about children 
children that become mountains 
in the sleep of lions on the floor of the carpet 
where young hearted dreams still dare to tread.

I didn't get any of that out of that.

oh i just sent it to you 
i can fax it through again (weird!!!)
i took all four letters out 
so the whole of that is out of that : )

I didn't get anything.

yes you did although you might not know it

Nope. Didn't show up.

you got a smile and a wave



So, what's up?

I let go of a red helium balloon

Why did you do that?

Because a balloon floating in the sky is a beautiful thing

It is, but I always want to keep my balloons.

Freedom is releasing the string.


Yeah, but still....

Wouldn't it be sweet if when you let go the balloon somehow stayed with you

That would be cool

Would it be sweeter if instead of keeping balloons for themselves 
Everyone! gave them away

People already do that.

I feel better already

What do you mean?

No No No 
The opposite

I'm so confused now.

Im not now

Well, as long as you aren't.

I am Long
Long as I am
or Shou 
My first name is Shou.

Right. Anyways, I've got class soon so I need to get off. 

Get off! 

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