Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Rain on the windows of a train.

Rain on the windows of a train

A universe of Hayley’s comets streaking across the glass
a million stars blazing meteorite trails
deserts burning, rutted warm canyon
American prairie, Jack Frost sand painting
samiad layers
the Rocky Mountains wall gone, the cosmos empty
moving and still, the world is born, proud
like a forest of trees
each drop contains countless solar systems
what would happen if one merged with another?

Above the Grand Canary a storm of shooting stars
the race is on, sliding prophecies
these stars are like seeds rushing towards an egg
“Roll up Roll up, place your bets”
each with its own pace, a point in history
the slate wiped clean then the rain falls, hard
attacking the quite carriages intrusive taps crack the glass
as the train runs faster and faster
a myriad of new galaxies is born
here I am, torn away
far below, the loud thoughts of earth cannot be heard above the life pulsating silence of space
armies of big bangs zutt and slide
in an orgy of electricity
even more beyond the glass
past this incomprehensible cosmos
stretching to the horizon
two lovers reunited kiss where sky meets sea
an infinite different worlds inside your skin, your eyes, a tear drop!
i laugh at the phantasmagorical
if butterfly’s flapping wings cause the earth to quake
what happens when such tears fall into the sea?
would the cosmos be forever changed?
what if I were to name out loud just two of the drops
streaking patterns across the windows
would it still remain?

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