Yippee Calloo Callay!

You have reached the foot hill of the mountains.
You are most welcome
More than worthy

Tuesday 8 June 2010

The sun is in the sea.

The sun is in the sea

A giant golden ball floating upon the waves.
Well half sinking into the waves. Almost like two suns. One in the sky, the other an orange egg its bottom a little bit buried beneath the blue. Yellow ripples dance across the water calling out.
The sun is in the sea the sun is in the sea, I have to cry out loud.

Were in a strange makeshift boat. It’s almost like a boat from a theme park ride.
Away we go down one slope round the bend first one slide then the next rushing along twisting turning rapids. Bouncing off the walls.

There’s ferry’s ahead and trawlers nets, red buoys white buoys on either side. We don’t avoid the nets. Over them we go and recklessly we drive close to the side of the ferries. Overtaking them on a patch of open water before heading through a type of sluice gate into more rapids lined by wooden and rocky moss covered walls.

There are waterfalls. Drops, round one bend from the next. Overtaking the ferry’s we are the lead boat. Our boat spins round and round as we go through one drop to the next sometimes backwards sometimes forwards sometimes sideways. Whoa. Rushing at speed on the water than dropping backwards down a water fall is a exhilarating sensation. Tingles underneath the skin. The world goes light.

Uh oh. We were going to the sun in the sea but there is no water in the last drop. The boat in mid-air has transformed into some sort of yellow wheelie bin. There are three of us in this bin. Spinky’s at the bottom. We are like three men in a barrel. Going over Niagara falls. Crash smack thrump.

I’m Ok.
Is everyone ok? Johns Ok.
Spinky? There was a cracking sound like broken bones. Spinky?

The ferry’s from behind have caught up. They turn into yellow bins too. I’m back in the air. These wheelie bins are made of metal. The ferry from bin from behind manages to crash into the front of us. Trapping Spinky and his brother John inside. I don’t know how or why I’m in the air but I start falling. Fast.

The metal bin must weigh quite something.
It lands right on top of Spinky. Crush. I land. I’m fine.
Spinky is not. He can’t move. We drag him out of the bin. He seems alright.
His legs though. Are completely smashed up.

The man who crashed into us. Looks of Persian descent. He is friendly and very sorry. He wants to help. I see if Spinky can move his legs or feet at all. He cant. I ask him does he want to be taken to a hospital. Spinky nods.
So I carry Spinky in my arms and ask the helpfull man of possible Persian origin, if he will phone 999 to get an ambulance.

As I carry Spinky he feels strangely light. I had the great sense of spirituality. Like I was doing something good. Saving somebody’s life. I think It felt like I was carrying Kurt Cobain or Jesus Christ or a candle, or a cat that was made of skin and bones that was sinking into the earth, a shiny candle, I don’t really know how to explain what it felt like.

It felt like carrying light, heavy light. Wet light. Damp light dripping cloths cloths to tread softly upon, shiny damp heavy light.

People were sat milling all around, some selling wares and beads all upon the path that our boat had sailed down. Now no water just earth. Old ladies cried wanting to know whether Spinky would be alight.
Nothing to worry about hes going to be fine. I reassured them as I continued up the track and through some sliding doors into a hospital.

The man of possible Persian origin was still trying to find a mobile and phone an ambulance even though we were in the hospital.

I was still carrying spinky in my arms, and spied two chairs covered in rugs that looked very comfortable in a uncomfortable way. What I mean is they were out of the picture. Covered in all sorts of junk the rugs themselves were a paleish washed out sort of blue. Some of the chairs parts may have been peeling or split, they were made of wicker, they didn’t look particular soft. Yet they were right. Just right for someone’s whose legs had been smashed up to sit and chill out in. Some rugs no matter what they look like are just wonderfull. Such were these chairs.

I asked Spinky if hed like to sit in a chair, he said yes, so i put him in the chair on the left. The Persian man was at a reception desk fiddling about with an oversized black mobile.

There was a nurse behind the reception desk.
A man came out he had a deep foreign accent he shouted out in a not to friendly manner


The few people about stared around blankly.


He cried again.

Ahh wait a minute, mate did you mean Richard.

Richard! The doctor for thats who it was shouted for the third time.

Yess mate, over here. I pointed to Spinky sat in the chair. I wondered for a second at the speed of the doctor and how he knew spinkys name was Richard and yeah how did he know we were there?
Then I forgot all about this as,
I helped Spinky up and this time instead of carrying I let him lean upon my shoulder as he hobbled upon one leg towards the doctors room. The doctor looked quizzically as Spinky hopped along. The Persian man tried to help but offering his shoulder for Spinky to lean on the other side, but this didn’t help too much.

Just after sitting Spinky into the chair. I said to the Persian man that if hed like to get back to his ferry, boat, then feel free, as hed helped out a lot already and wed surely be fine from here on in.
The Persian man replied he liked to go on the boats to get away from it all sometimes. He shared a moment of truth with me.
I said I understood and for some reason the man decided to stay with us.

Hobbling into the Doctors office. The Persian man asked if the doctor would be able to fix Spinky’s leg.
The doctor replied, we will see, I can tell from the way he looks that he’s quite the actore.

Why the doctor would think Spinky was acting I don’t know. Still me and the Persian man waited outside the doctors room. My wait turned from thinking I hope the doctor can fix Spinkys leg too, I hope the doctor doesn’t find out that Spinkys been acting the whole time. Was this a money making scheme.

Excactly the right amount of time elapsed before I entered the doctors room.
We sat.

The doctor manically happy explaining. How the pig inside Spinkys leg that he ate turned into a butterfly or was it the butterfly he ate with a turning into that Spinky had inside of him veins made of butterflies or I think that there was some sort of giant butterfly shape which was travelling up and down beneath Spinkys skin causing a whole host of trouble and explains why he tried to commit suicide. At this point I was heavily confused. I didn’t remember this suicide incident ever happening. The whole butterfly veins thing started to make sense. As i pictured this blank inky shape moving up and down beneath and around Spinkys arm. Not really. A pig a butterfly something that Spinky ate. Very strange. The doctor continued with his spiel. It seemed that Spinky had eaten some infected hospital food which had given him the virus of this butterfly. Maybe the butterfly came from eaten pork or was it crisps. Spinky was still eating the food with reckless abandon. The doctor explained I think that everything was going to be fine. He found the whole thing exciting and amusing.

The Persian man came in and was relieved to see Spinky alive and well. The doctor sat down and explained the whole thing again. I was still no clearer on what exactly had happened then I was before. Had we been in the hospital the whole time. What about the ferry's, the sun in the sea.

On leaving the doctors room a little Asian girl bounced a bouncy ball. It rolled away from her I picked it up and gently bounced it back. It was intercepted by a girl with dark hair. Wild eyes and a giant smile. She was dressed mainly in green. With a green woolly hat. The girl looked like a clockwork pixie. Pixies that live in wooden clocks. That move with tick tocks. The greenly dressed clockwork pixie girl who had snatched the ball out of the air. Dropped it right into the little Asian girls hands. Nice!

Outside underneath the star light all sat on a wooden chairs. A girl called Jenny asked if she could borrow my belt. Now I really would have liked to have given it to her. I explained that if i gave her my belt it would mean that my trousers would fall down. There was bristling bubbling conversation around the wooden table. I left it. To explore the stars. The sky was bright. There were a myriad of shooting stars. More stars than usual. Bright clusters that looked like strawberries in the night sky. There were clouds. Dark beautiful clouds. One such cloud looked like Jimmy Hendrix in a hat playing guitar. I cried out,
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! And waved as the Hendrix cloud floated up up and away. More shooting stars flashed across the night one then two.

The people on the table were aghast at my shouting out loud Jimmy to the night. They thought it strange. They thought my whole behaviour very strange. Like a man of fifty who’s convinced he’s Peter Pan strange.

I didn’t mind.

I spotted a line between two trees. A clothes line with red and yellow pegs. I jumped into the air and swung across the line using arm after arm like a monkey.
When I jumped off the line back onto the wooden table. It was like everyone had come alive. Theyd been turned on. Switched to another way of thinking. In love with the world around them and the beautiful shiny sky.

Hey yeah how can they know everything one guy was saying

He continued how can we know everything wow your right to look at the sky and wave to clouds.

Fair enough i thought wicked, more people in love with the stars, i think i might have pointed out the shiny cluster of strawberries that was ever so bright, it seemed that the people around the table especially the guy and Jenny had an extra magic sparkle in their eyes, as they left behind the wooden table and headed into the night.

When I saw the shooting star in my dream
I didn’t make a wish
So I made it in real life
Usually when I make a wish
It’s not for me it’s for you
If someone says hey make a wish
ill wish for others dreams to come true
Or that everyone had a sandwich
This aint because I’m spiritual or covered in altruistic goo
It’s just because making wishes for others
Is something I like to do
Such as writing words or going to sleep
But this morning I decided to make a wish for me
So I wished upon those shooting stars
That flew across my dreams
Both before and after I waved to Hendrix the dragon
Flying through life like a cloud
way up to the sweet night sky
Arising freak flag was this voice sent high to cry
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy!
The sun is in the sea
Maybe just maybe all three
Wishes for the Jinn

For many many such a long time. An uncountable number of years. The genie was kept in a bottle until one day pop! Off flew the cork and the genie floated like the sun into the sea.

Mifrat in a bottle Mifrat in a bottle.

Once upon a time there was a story.
A story given to the sea.
In bottle after bottle.
Bottles that travelled far and wide.
Some Deeply.
Bottles that Washed upon many different shores.
The story became split upon the waves.
So it was lost to the sea.
Yet it did not remain so until the end of time.
For the story given to the sea
sat waiting to be put back together
like a Jigsaw of missing pieces
for those who dared to seek it.

The names of three genies that lived in a bottle
and shine.


  1. everything that you write amazes me. this is beautiful. I particularly liked the parts about carrying Spinky, the chairs with the rugs, the strawberry stars, and making wishes for other people.

    "If someone says hey make a wish
    ill wish for others dreams to come true
    Or that everyone had a sandwich
    This aint because I’m spiritual or covered in altruistic goo
    It’s just because making wishes for others
    Is something I like to do
    Such as writing words or going to sleep"


  2. Well thank you very much.

    I’m glad you liked the carrying Spinky part and the chair with the rugs, they were both quite important bits I felt.

    Making wishes for others - I think I might just write something a bit more about that

    thanks again and I hope you continue to keep writing as I feel a lot of your writing comes from the heart and not only that but people can resonate with it too.

    Na na na Nice one.

  3. please do write more about that! and thank you. I needed to hear that. some people really beginning irk me, and I can honestly say (despite not knowing you) that you are NOT one of them.
